The businesses listed below are businesses that have appeared in various GNWT sources include published Contract Reports, the Contract Event Opportunities Portal or the BIP Registry.

The list of businesses may not reflect the proper spelling of company names as it's based off of government reporting rather than the official business registry. Businesses may appear under one or more similar names - this happens when businesses bid or sign contracts under different spellings or business names. Whenever we notice this, we do our best to combine/link the records.

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Results 7,361 - 7,400 of 7,866
Results 7,361 - 7,400 of 7,866
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10 | 20 | 40
Seamus Quigg, a company
Steve Rose, a company
Threshold Inc., a company
Oasis Bags, a company
Adtronics, a company
ORTAM Enviro, a company
BI Pure Water, a company
CCM Inc., a company

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