Stanton Group Ltd. o/a Stanton Aklavik

49 Navy Road, Inuvik, NT (BP-030474)

Detailed Address Information

Below is information regarding a company's contracts with the GNWT from a specific location/address. In cases where full information has been provided (i.e. BIP registered addresses) that information is included as well.

Last checked: March 14, 2017 6:46 p.m. (MDT) (based on GNWT BIP Registry)

Physical Address

49 Navy Road
Inuvik, NT
X0E 0T0

BIP Details

Community: Inuvik
Region: Inuvik
Effective: July 14, 1991
Type: Majority NWT Resident
ID: BP-030474

BIP Categories:

Contract Summary at this location (approximate)

The year end contract summaries include the business' location. That information is used here to summarize contracting amounts on a per location basis.

Contracting information is only available based on the year end reports, and is then matched to business locations. The information below is not perfect, or without gaps.

Published Contracts

Summary of Total Published Contracts
Type # of Contracts Value of Contracts
Competitive Contracts (Published in Contracts Over $5k Reports) 12 $811,593.93
Contracts under Exisiting Standing Offer Agreement 0 $0
Sole Source Contracts 0 $0
Negotiated Contracts 0 $0

Successful Contract Information from Contracts over $5,000 Report as tabled in the Legislative Assembly
Fiscal Year Dep't Procurement BIP Status Process Type Bidder Location Original Amount Change Amount Actual Contract Amount
2007-08 JUS ATYO - SOA Dry Goods SO405209 (SO405209) BIPed Tender for new Standing Offer Inuvik $11,000.00 0 $11,000.00
2007-08 JUS ATYO - SOA Meat SO405208 (SO405208) BIPed Tender for new Standing Offer Inuvik $10,000.00 0 $10,000.00
2007-08 JUS ATYO - SOA Produce SO405207 (SO405207) BIPed Tender for new Standing Offer Inuvik $5,000.00 0 $5,000.00
2007-08 JUS ATYO - SOA Dairy SO405205 (SO405205) BIPed Tender for new Standing Offer Inuvik $5,000.00 0 $5,000.00
2006-07 JUS Reff #402704 ATYO Meat October to March, 2007 (PO402704) BIPed Request for Tenders Inuvik $11,882.10 0 $11,882.10
2006-07 JUS Reff #402707 ATYO Drygoods October to March, 2007 (PO402707) BIPed Request for Tenders Inuvik $19,285.57 0 $19,285.57
2006-07 JUS Reff #400042 ATYO Meat April to September, 2006 (PO400042) BIPed Request for Tenders Inuvik $9,726.96 0 $9,726.96
2006-07 JUS Reff #400038 ATYO Drygoods April to September, 2006 (PO400038) BIPed Request for Tenders Inuvik $16,858.65 0 $16,858.65
2005-06 JUS Reff #747064 ATYO Meat Jan, Feb, Mar 2006 (PO747065) BIPed Request for Tenders Inuvik $5,162.33 0 $5,162.33
2005-06 JUS Reff #747064 ATYO Drygoods Jan, Feb, Mar 2006 (PO747064) BIPed Request for Tenders Inuvik $8,761.14 0 $8,761.14
2005-06 JUS 722903 - ATYO, Drygoods Apr,May,Jun 2005 (PO 722903) BIPed Request for Tenders Inuvik $10,917.18 0 $10,917.18
2004-05 FIN Inuvik Liquor Store Request for Proposals (PM000085) BIPed Request for Proposal Inuvik $698,000.00 0 $698,000.00