This page lets you views details of current and past GNWT competitive procurements as far back as 2004. This data has been developed by regular dowloads of the GNWT's previous Contract Registry website and the current eProcurement website. Basic details for non-advertised procurements have also been added based on various GNWT contracts report.

If you're looking for information specifically focused on contracts issued by the GNWT, you can also focus your search on only contracts.

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  • Active Filters:
  • Buyer: NWT Housing Corporation
  • Procurement Type: Construction
  • Category: Building Construction General
  • Process: Request for Proposal
  • BIP Locations: Fort Liard

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Propsals from qualified Proponents for the provision of Design Build Services Proponents may ...

Awarded to Arctic Canada Construction Ltd. for $3,774,100.00
Fiscal Year:
Request for Proposal - Open (Competitive)
NWT Housing Corporation
BIP Location:
Fort Liard

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